Sonntag, 19. Februar 2017

Relaunch with Meteor - Google Login with Angular2-Meteor


I decided to switch the framework from Oracle Jet to a combination of Angular2 and Meteor. The reason is I just prefer using Typescript and besides that Meteor has some nice functionalities like, offline support or Websockets, that work out of the box.

The first thing I am about to do is reimplement the Google Login button

Create app in Google 

Check out this blog to find out how to create a Google App. The two important things you need are the secret and the clientId.

Create a angular2-meteor app

Read this tutorial, if you want to find out more about how to create your first app.

For creating your first app, you can clone this template using git
git clone socially

Install needed packages for Google Login

Switch to the root folder of your meteor app and enter the following commands
$ meteor npm install
$ meteor add service-configuration
$ meteor add accounts-google
$ meteor add accounts-ui
$ meteor npm install --save angular2-meteor-accounts-ui
$ meteor npm install --save angular2-blaze-template

Add the two modules to your app

Open the file client/imports/app/app.module.ts and make the following adjustment
  // Modules
  imports: [

Add the Google secret and clientId to your app

Create the file server/service-config.js and add the following lines of code
Meteor.startup(() => {
        service: "google"
        service: "google",
        clientId: '',
        loginStyle: "popup",
        secret: '...'

Add the Google login to your frontend

Open an existing HTML file and add the following line of code anywhere you want to
<blaze-template name="loginButtons"></blaze-template>

Typical scenarios needed while coding

Check if user is logged in
export class AppComponent {
  user: Meteor.User;
  constructor() {
    if (Meteor.userId() != null) {
      alert('user logged in ;)');

HTML<h1 *ngIf="user">Hello Angular2-Meteor!</h1>

Interesting blog on how to protect URL paths


My first experience with Meteor is, that Meteor is a framework, which is quite easy to handle compared to other frameworks.

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